Collection: VERVET by Flying Monkey

Introducing our new brand "VERVET," born from Flying Monkey's spirit and your incredible support. Launched in 2017, VERVET inherits the outstanding design, quality, and fit ethos of Flying Monkey. Catering to your requests, VERVET offers affordable young-contemporary styles that reflect our commitment to excellence

62 products

What is Vervet by Flying Monkey?

Vervet is a brand that was launched by Flying Monkey in 2017. It embodies the same spirit of unique young-contemporary styles and exceptional quality that Flying Monkey is known for. Vervet offers trendy and well-fitting jeans at an affordable price range.

What sets Vervet apart from other brands?

Vervet stands out for its commitment to maintaining Flying Monkey's renowned design and fit standards while ensuring affordability. The brand's jeans are designed to embrace individuality and style without compromising on quality.

Are Vervet jeans known for their fit?

Absolutely. Just like Flying Monkey, Vervet jeans are celebrated for their phenomenal fit that flatters various body shapes. The same dedication to crafting jeans that enhance your silhouette is carried over to the Vervet brand.

Where can I find Vervet by Flying Monkey jeans?

Vervet jeans can be found in various locations, including specialty boutique stores nationwide. The brand's distribution network ensures that you can easily access their high-quality, stylish jeans. Can be shopped from our store too.

What is the philosophy behind Vervet by Flying Monkey?

Vervet embodies the belief that everyone should have access to stylish and well-fitting jeans without breaking the bank. The brand is inspired by the idea of embracing individuality and freedom through fashion, reflecting the motto "Fly to release your mind, body, and soul. Fly to where your heart goes. Just fly and be free."